Beyond Limits Pediatric Therapy Center
and Coronavirus
Our Commitment to you during COVID-19 and Always
Working as health care providers with children on a daily basis, many of whom are medically fragile, we know the importance of universal precautions and have always taken the necessary precautions of disinfecting and hand washing during every therapy session to ensure all of the children we serve are in a clean, safe environment.
Therefore, unless we notify you otherwise, Beyond Limits Pediatric Therapy Center will remain open regular hours. We want our children to be able to continue to receive their therapy and keep their schedules as close to normal for them as possible (provided you are adhering to our below sick policy) to avoid regression in their abilities.
We are also taking the risks of the Coronavirus very seriously and wanted to let you know what we are doing (in addition to our after-hours professional cleanings of the building) and what you, as our patients and family members, can do to help combat spread of this virus.
During this time of unknown with this virus, our team will continue to follow CDC guidelines and do the following for precautionary measures:
- Washing each child’s hands before each therapy session and after therapy session
- Wiping down of door handles/pens/lobby items often with disinfecting wipes
- Using sanitizer as needed with nose blowing or coughing
- Using Clorox wipes and disinfectant on equipment during and after each session
- Using gloves on hands as needed but always during any facial or oral motor work
- Therapists will be sure to wash your children’s hands if they are not capable of doing a thorough job on their own.
- If you have a medically fragile child, please contact our office as we have solutions for an isolated treatment room.
Working with children, we know that sickness occurs, therefore, if you think that your child is sick, please STAY HOME and notify us as soon as possible that you will not be in attendance so we can plan accordingly. The following signs may indicate a communicable disease/illness: vomiting, fever, diarrhea, sore throat, rash/swelling and red/running eyes. In the event of a cancellation, please make an effort on your part to reschedule as we want your child to benefit from his/her therapy.
For the best interest of every family we serve, we ask that you adhere to the following:
- Do not bring your child if they appear sick.
- Do not bring your child if they have had a fever of 99.0+
- If you have travelled to Europe or Asia in the last 14 days, please cancel therapy.
- If any family member has cough and fever accompanying illness, we definitely need you to cancel.
- Allergy season is fast approaching and many of our children have allergies which result in coughing or runny nose/congestion. If you or your child are experiencing allergy symptoms that are consistent with every other season of allergies, this does not mean you have the Coronavirus. A fever accompanies the coronavirus and is different than seasonal allergies. If you are unsure or fearful that it is more than allergies, err on the side of caution and cancel.
- All children must be sickness-free and fever-free without fever reducing medicines for 24 hours prior to returning to therapy regardless of what illness and what time of year.
- We encourage you to wait in your cars and when it is time for your child’s session to end, the therapist will meet you at the door. You are still welcome to wait in the waiting room at your discretion.
- Whenever possible, please leave siblings at home.
- If you are a family that is going to self-quarantine or not venture into public during this time, we understand but ask that you let our therapists know as soon as possible. We are not necessarily able to hold your appointment time(s) but will do our best to accommodate you upon your return as we do not know how long this concern will last.
Thank you for your understanding and communicating with us so that we can keep our clinic, staff, and clients as germ free and healthy as we can.
Warm regards,
Your Beyond Limits Pediatric Therapy Family